Simply the safest and smartest way to bank! With unrivaled security and smart savings, eSpend Checking makes it easier to protect your finances, save money on everyday purchases, and enjoy your life. Peace of mind is one of the most important benefits a financial institution can provide. 

If you are an existing member and would like to switch your checking account, simply click below and submit your request today. 

Change My Checking Account (Opens in a new Window)

eSpend Checking benefits include:


Helps to better protect you and your joint account holders for any identity fraud event, financial or otherwise, anywhere in the world even if the event has nothing to do with your account at Enrichment Federal Credit Union.

  • Identity theft monitoring and resolution service1 for you
  • Includes Credit File Monitoring, Credit Report3,4, Identity Theft Expense Reimbursement Coverage2 and Resolution Service

Cellular Telephone Protection2

Receive up to $400 of replacement or repair costs if your cell phone is stolen or damaged in the U.S. and abroad.
  • Covers up to four phones listed on the cellular phone bill
  • Covers damage or theft
  • Up to two claims per 12-month period
  • Up to $400 per claim
  • $50 deductible per claim
  • Cellular phone bill must be paid from eligible account

Credit File Monitoring

Daily alerts and access to credit report. Receive valuable insight into your credit score3,4

Rewards Debit Mastercard

Get cash back rewards deposited to your Ownership Rewards Account and setup online card controls.

Mobile Banking, eStatements and Remote Deposit

with real time availability

Free Overdraft Protection

from your savings account(s)

Tiered Dividends

Click to view rates. Rates are subject to change.

Online Banking with Bill Pay

Manage all your Enrichment accounts and external accounts under one login. Paying bills has never been easier!

Financial Wellness 360°

Access your online financial wellness platform with unlimited one-on-one coaching, interactive courses, videos, booklets, infographics, and more to help maximize financial wellness.

Courtesy Pay

Added Protection with Courtesy Pay 
Avoid courtesy overdraft fee(s) by bringing your checking account positive by the end of each business day5.

Free Cashier's Checks & Money Orders

Access to over 70,000 nationwide ATM's

Free Checks

Get 2 boxes of Enrichment branded checks free per year.

ACCESS BENEFITS (Opens in a new Window)

Be safer and spend smarter with exclusive savings only available with your eSpend checking account. We make it easy to protect your finances, save money on everyday purchases, and enjoy your life. That's something you can count on. 


1Benefits are available to personal checking account owner(s), and their joint account owners subject to the terms and conditions for the applicable Benefits. Some Benefits require authentication, registration, and/or activation. Benefits are not available to a "signer" on the account who is not an account owner or to businesses, clubs, trusts, organizations, and/or churches and their members, or schools and their employees/students. 
2 Special Program Notes: The descriptions herein are summaries only and do not include all terms, conditions, and exclusions of the Benefits described. Please refer to the actual Guide to Benefit for complete details of coverage and exclusions. Coverage is provided through the company named in the Guide to Benefit.
3 You will have access to your credit report and score provided your information has been verified by the CRA. Credit score is a VantageScore 3.0 based on single bureau data. Third parties may use a different type of credit score to assess your creditworthiness.
4 Once credit file monitoring has been activated and you have requested your first credit score, your credit score will automatically be refreshed each month and plotted on your Credit Score Tracker graph.
5 See our Fee Schedule for Courtesy Pay fee amount. The end of each business day is approximately 10:00 p.m. eastern standard time. 
Insurance Products are not insured by NCUA or any Federal Government Agency; Not a deposit of or guaranteed by the Credit Union or any Credit Union affiliate.