What documentation is accepted?
A declarations page is all we need! If you do not have your declaration page, please contact your insurance agent to obtain a copy.
NOTE: An insurance ID card is not sufficient as it does not contain all the necessary information needed.
Scan this QR Code
Scan this image using your cell phone. A web address will appear on your phone. Tap the web address and then select "Get Started".
Text: 865-505-7722
Text a picture of your insurance declaration page.
Online: www.mycoverageonline.com
You can upload your declaration page easily online.
Email: enrichmentfcu@mycoverageonline.com
Email us a copy of your declaration page.
Call: 800-749-5440
For assistance in providing your proof of insurance.
Postal Mail:
Insurance Service Center
PO Box 5701
Knoxville, TN 37928