Your security is our priority.
Identity theft is a serious crime that can ruin your finances. Here’s what you need to know about the latest alerts and scams, along with tips and resources you can use to safeguard your identity and accounts.
REMINDER: Beware of callers that appear to be from your Credit Union. We will never contact you and ask for your personal information, including debit/credit card number, CVV number, or social security information. If you receive a request for this information, please do not respond. You can always call us to verify.
Protect yourself from phone scams!
Fraudsters can spoof a phone number, even your Credit Union's phone number, making it appear the call is coming from us. If you receive a suspicious call or text message, the safest action is to hang up or do not respond to the text. Contact the Credit Union immediately at 865-482-0045 or 800-482-0049.
Red flags of a fraudulent caller include:
- Requesting access to your computer remotely.
- Asking for your Online Banking username or password, card number, PIN, CVV code, or other personal information.
- Asking you to give verification codes sent to you in email or text that you did not initiate for services such as online banking or bill pay.
- Requesting payment by wire transfer, Venmo, Cash App, gift card or other payment services.
Learn more about common scams below.
National Consumer Protection
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), as the nation's consumer protection agency, wants to make sure you have the information you need to help fight back against identity theft.
Fight Fraud Friday
Learn how to protect yourself and personal information from all types of scams and frauds by visiting our social media sites and reviewing our Fight Fraud Friday posts.
Identity Protection
Learn how to protect your identity and personal information in our Financial Education library.
Preventing Elder Financial Abuse
Elder financial abuse affects millions of seniors every year. Learn how you can prevent and report elder financial fraud from happening to you or a loved one. Learn More.
See most recent fraud alerts below and tips to protect yourself.
Text Scams
Be aware of text scams! Texts are being fraudulently sent out as if they are from financial institutions such as Citizens Bank, TVA Credit Union, or even Enrichment FCU. It asks you to call a number and they want your card number, PIN, and the CVV (3 digit code) on the back of the card.
These are NOT coming from legitimate financial institutions! Your financial institution would never ask you for all that information. Do NOT give your information out to anyone, unless you initiate the call!
If you receive a text message with a message saying your debit card has been deactivated and to call a toll-free number - - Do NOT Call the number!! It will ask you to enter your debit card number. It is a scam to obtain your card number and personal information!
If you receive a text message requesting a verification code that was sent to you in email, and you did not initiate the request, do not respond. Contact us immediately to help and review your account.
Email & Telephone Scams
It's important for you to know that Enrichment will not call, text or e-mail you to request your personal account information. You should never give out account or personal information over the phone or in response to a mailing or emails unless you initiated the communication yourself or have positively verified the source. On the phone, don't be afraid to ask questions, including asking for a number to call back.
Did you get a phone call or email letting you know you have just won a million dollars?! All you have to do is send a check to pay the taxes and you will be a millionaire! DO NOT SEND THEM MONEY! These are scams! You should never have to pay someone money to receive money. Funds that you win will need to be reported as income when you file your taxes and the IRS will be sure to let you know what you owe them.
Please be aware that Social Security will never call you and ask for your personal information! These phone calls are fishing for your information and are not legitimate. Do not give out any information over the phone unless you have initiated the call. If you are ever in doubt, call your local Social Security office.
Data Breaches: What You Need to Know
With so many merchant data breaches in the news, we want you to know that Enrichment Federal Credit Union is ready to help if your personal or financial data is ever compromised. We take service to our members seriously and will do everything we can to ensure that action is taken – quickly – to help you avoid becoming a victim of identity or account theft.
Your credit union is subject to strong data security standards established by Congress and federal regulators. While data breaches can happen anywhere, we are ready with a plan designed to ensure the safety and confidentiality of your sensitive data.
Unfortunately, merchants and retailers aren't subject to these federal requirements. Many of them follow their own data security standards, but the recent rash of data breaches shows these are no substitute for a stronger federal standard. When it comes to protecting your personal information, every measure counts.
When your debit or credit card data is breached at a retailer, the cost of card replacement or account reimbursement to you is typically paid not by the merchant where the breach occurred, but by your credit union.
We want you to know that in the event of any breach affecting your accounts, this credit union will always do what we can to make you whole. In the meantime, credit unions around the country are leading the effort to get Congress to pass legislation ensuring merchants and retailers meet a national standard for protecting any of your financial data collected when you make a purchase. We hope you will support us in this effort.
While we can't control what happens at merchants and retailers, we want you to know that Enrichment Federal Credit Union will do everything we can to assist you and your family if a breach does occur when you use your debit or credit card. You can always feel free to reach our Card Services Department at 800-482-0049.
Tips to Protect Your Enrichment Cards
Your accounts with Enrichment Federal Credit Unions (EFCU) are monitored 24/7 by an experienced team of security professionals for any suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity.
We employ the most advanced fraud detection and prevention technology to guard members' credit and debit accounts against unauthorized access and use. In addition, Mastercard ensures that you are not responsible for unauthorized purchases made on your Enrichment FCU debit and credit cards.
Often in a breach, personal information may be stolen such as names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. While this does not directly impact your debit or credit card, it is important to understand that this type of information is often used in telephone, email, mail and online scams.
It is important to safeguard your personal information and NEVER provide it at the request of a call, letter, email link or screen alert. We will NEVER contact you and request your personal information, including account information, unless requested by you.
Tips for Safeguarding Your Personal Information
- Scam artists are convincing and use pieces of information to convince consumers that they are calling for legitimate purposes. If you receive a call requesting personal information, hang up. You can initiate a call back to the Credit Union. NEVER use a number provided by a caller. Always use a number that you obtain from a business directory or EFCU's website.
- We will not send Text Messages requesting personal or account information. NEVER respond to a text request for personal information.
- Email communications may appear official, but often they are not. NEVER click a link or open attachments within an email that you are not expecting from the Credit Union. When in doubt, contact our Call Center at 865-482-0045 to confirm that we originated the communication. Do not reply or click links until the communication is validated.
- Be especially mindful of communications that request personal information or make offers via links that are not legitimate. Always validate and confirm numbers through a source other than those provided by a caller, email or letter.
- Letters may be generated that appear to be from EFCU. Remember, we never request your personal information. If you receive a letter requesting a reply or information update that you are not expecting, do not respond without contacting your Credit Union. Also, NEVER use phone numbers, email addresses or web links provided in any communication. Always validate these personally through another source.
Proactive Measures to Safeguard Your Account
- Review your account(s) on a regular basis to confirm that all transactions are legitimate and were authorized by you or another account owner. You can monitor your accounts and transactions easily through online, mobile or telephone banking. Transactions through our self-serve channels are available in a timelier manner than monthly paper statements.
- Report any suspicious transactions immediately by contacting the number on the back of your card to report any fraudulent transactions.
- Ensure that EFCU has your most current contact information including mailing address, email address and telephone numbers. We make every effort to contact members that may need direct assistance and often email and telephone are the quickest and most effective formats to contact members.
To update your information call 800-482-0049.
We remain committed to you and the security of your accounts and private information. Please contact us directly if we may assist you further.
Common Check Scams
While it may seem great to get a check in the mail that you were not expecting, more often than not these checks are fraudulent. Below are the most common fraudulent check scams.
You receive an invite to participate in a consumer survey or mystery shopping. In these cases, you receive a cashier's check in the mail for you to purchase items or goods from local merchants, such as gift cards. Once these items are purchased, you are to send proof, such as a photo, of the items and complete a survey about the merchant. More often than not, these cashier's checks are fraudulent. The check will come back bad and you are now responsible for the funds that have been spent. If you receive one of these checks, please free to bring it in to the closest location and we will attempt to verify the check for you.
If you are selling a product online, beware of purchasers who wish to send you a check for payment. Often, the check will be written for an amount over your selling price. The additional amount is to be sent to a "mover" who will be picking up the item in question. Of course, you will get an extra portion of the funds as well for the inconvenience. These checks are fraudulent!
Sweetheart scams. While love is in the air, be cautious of sweethearts you meet online! Especially if they want to send you checks in the mail. Too often these checks are fraudulent and you are the one who gets left with the bill. Don't accept a check from someone you have never met in person!